Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summer of Silence

Since I've been prepping for the LSAT, I've become deplorably lax in my beauty routine.  All summer was empty of makeup, with the exception of visits with the boyfriend (eyeliner and lippy which he hates anyway, I think I might be doin it wrong there :P). 
And now that I'm comfortably ensconced back here at school, I still can't be bothered to apply more than a bit of eyeliner and lip color.  I've long been trying to deny the fact that makeup melts off me in this heat - I have no idea how other girls traipse about with a full face of foundation and spiky mascara without wanting to scrub their faces within the hour. 
Once I acclimate to the heat again perhaps I'll try more. 
I've also cut myself some bangs though, so I'm worried the combination of hair on my forehead and makeup will not be a good one for my complexion. 
Despite the lack of makeup though, I'm still doing a weekly manicure and whatnot.  I've FINALLY figured out why my konad set wasn't working for me - apparently it needed to be filed a bit with my nailfile to actually pick up the images.  That seriously drove me nuts for ages.  So now I've got a nice, slightly chipped coral nail with little black flowers on that I now want to change to something fancier and non-konady.  Funny how once you get what you want, you change your mind :P
Actually, now I just really want to get some konad plates that have a full nail stamp instead of just a teeny stencil :X  However, my financial situation isn't such that I can splurge on nonessential beauty items anymore, so I'll just satisfy myself with the many polishes I've got and get creative :)

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