Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Product Graveyard

 I JUST finished a couple of products that I figured I should review before I forget about it.
First!  We have Suave Professionals Color Care shampoo and conditioner.  I tried to bleach/dye my hair this summer and uh...it didn't turn out well.  But since I'd double processed it, my hair was totally fried.  This 2$ shampoo totally fixed that.  After one wash - ONE WASH PEOPLE - my normally frizzy, fried from bleaching hair smoothed out.  Not totally, obviously, but it was soft and it didn't feel so frizzy or dry for once. 
Try Suave Professionals!  Since I chopped off my bleached hair, I've decided to experiment with the other lines they put out.  But you should try it too!  It's 2$ people! You can't lose!

I'm always searching for the next anti-frizz, super moisturizing product out there for my hair.  This was something I bought a couple months ago, right around when I switched my shampoo over to Suave professionals actually.  I wasn't sure if it was working that well actually since I knew that Suave was magically smoothing out my hair.  But since I've stopped using it, my hair's been frizzier after drying.  I've tried to substitute one of my other products but....it's not the same.  Alas.  I'll try to burn through them quickly so that I don't have to have frizzy hair too long. :S


Could I look any whiter?  Take note: I'm not actually wearing liquid paper on my face.  Or a goth foundation.  It's actually just the ELF face powder.  I guess my lighting this morning was WAY too white. 
Okay so I used my OCC lip tar in Safety Orange this morning - it was pretty darn orange.  Considering I'm not one of the asian girls around here who cake foundation on, this was an intense shot of color.  I tried to balance it with strong eyeliner - black liquid eyeliner, ya can't really tell in this pic - but uh, it still got comments.  It faded throughout the day and while I was talking to a friend, he actually stopped to ask me if my lips were orange.
They were.  Ahwells.  I think I need to get more used to these lip tars and walking around town.  I'll do a swatches of my lip tars at some point, I didn't buy many (this time) but I'd been looking forward to getting some for quite some time.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Skin Regimen of 2010

It's been burning hot AND humid here lately so makeup has been minimal if i wear any at all.  So I've decided to just do a list of my skin products since it'll probably change in the future.....stupid skin gotta be all sensitive :/  Lame, man. 

Evening/Post-Shower stuff:
Bodywash: CVS fragranceless/hypoallergenic bodywash
Body lotion:  Aveeno fragranceless/hypoallergenic lotion
Hyper moisturizer: Palmer's Massage Cream for stretchmarks/Atrac-Tain Cream
Night Cream: Olay Total Effects (Soon to be Regenerist, am just emptying the Total Effects pot right now)
Eye Cream: Burt's Bee's Royal Jelly eyecream
Spot Treatment: Clearasil 10% Benzoyl Peroxide

Morning stuff:
Cleanser: Equate Daily Face Wash (cream cleanser)
Exfoliate:  Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash Pink Grapefruit Foaming scrub
Face sunblock: Ocean Potion SPF 45 zinc (I don't use moisturizer, this is plenty for me)
Sunscreen: Vaseline Aloe Fresh Protecting SPF 15
Eye cream: Neutrogena Radiance Boost Eyecream

That's all that I can think of atm.  I've also got the Neutrogena Wave product, but I like the Clean and clear face-pad things better, and I couldn't find them in stock at my Walmart so I'll have to check at a drugstore later.  The Pink Grapefruit Scrub works pretty great though, so yay :D

Monday, September 20, 2010

Forever 21

If you ever try to go to Forever 21 and NOT buy something, prepare to feel as if you kicked a kitten when you leave the store.

I went in there looking for this dress - a nice, simple black sheath dress.  If you think there's something wrong with this sucker, you have no idea what accessories can do for a simple sheath dress.  I've actually been looking for a nice one for awhile, local stores just don't seem to carry an affordable one.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find this darn thing on any of the racks at Forever 21 - would've been great, I've got all these belts that would've looked nice.  But while I was there I decided that hey, it couldn't hurt to try on some other dresses, see what cuts look good on me here.
That was a bad idea.
I found this dress while browsing - the picture really doesn't do it justice.  It was all shimmery and in my most recent favorite color - aqua tealiness!  I fell in loooooove!
But alas!  It was over thirty dollars.  While that's not that much for a dress, if you take into account how often I'd probably get to wear this thing, well, it wouldn't be worth it :(  I don't really go clubbing so I would basically have nowhere to wear it.  Darn. 
But fear not!  I intend to keep an eye on when it goes on sale...because then I will scoop it up like the gem it is mwahahahaha!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Face full of ELF

Here we have what I've dubbed a face full of ELF.  That's because I used my ELF compact as a base and my ELF complexion perfection to try to neutralize my under eye circles and redness.  Judging by this picture, it worked :D

It's not often that I use full coverage makeup.  Not because my skin is so amazing, but it's just so hot and humid here than as soon as you step outside, it's like you're stepping into a sauna and your makeup has a tendency to just slide off your face.

Humidity aside, I also used a bunch of other awesome products.  A blush from a sephora super pallet (will get a pic of that eventually), Nyx sparkle diamond lipstick in Nude, with a layer of Neutrogena lipgloss over that in some pink shade (the name got rubbed off, alas).  My eyeshadow is one of the nudey-brown shades that I like to call my default - I've got a phobia of wearing makeup too dark/colorful for just going to class so I tend to stick to just this kind of face.  Nude-colored lips, light shadows on the eyes, light blush.

The one thing I like to lay on strong on a regular basis is eyebrows - strong, well shaped eyebrows can completely transform a face, and I like it that way.  Much easier to maintain than powdering and re-powdering your nose.

That's all for now, thanks for reading :D

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

R&R Beauty Inc!

So in one of my many business classes I had to be a part of a group and work with others.  Oh the horror!  Every college student's worst nightmare.
As far as nightmares go, it could have been worse.  The first twenty minutes of our meeting was extremely unproductive in the brainstorming department - all we had determined was that we wanted to do something "green" and recycley and manage to sell something too in our fake business.
Being a huge beauty geek the way I am, I couldn't help but think of some sort of hippy all-natural beauty store that sold items packaged in recyclable or renewable materials.  So I pitched that into our brainstorm pot and surprisingly enough they hopped right on it.
So now I am officially the Operations/Product Manager of our fake business.
I get to trick myself into believing that my girly magazine buying is actually research now lol :) yaay I'm so lucky.  Will update on the business if there's any change.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Eyeliner Brush

I'm no makeup artist, but this brush is amazing.  I like using this in combination with my liquid eyeliner to get in close to my lashes and to feather and soften the edge of the line.While I DO use this without liquid eyeliner sometimes, I find that the pigment on a lot of my eyeshadows (which I use as eyeliner with this brush) isn't strong enough to just stand alone without the liquid.  I could wet my brush, but I'm really not that fond of the texture that creates on my eyeshadows so I tend to not do it.  Plus I'm lazy and don't do my makeup in the bathroom where there's running water.
This particular brush is from the ELF line of makeup stuffs and costs just one dollar :)  Get it and love it.