Wednesday, September 8, 2010

R&R Beauty Inc!

So in one of my many business classes I had to be a part of a group and work with others.  Oh the horror!  Every college student's worst nightmare.
As far as nightmares go, it could have been worse.  The first twenty minutes of our meeting was extremely unproductive in the brainstorming department - all we had determined was that we wanted to do something "green" and recycley and manage to sell something too in our fake business.
Being a huge beauty geek the way I am, I couldn't help but think of some sort of hippy all-natural beauty store that sold items packaged in recyclable or renewable materials.  So I pitched that into our brainstorm pot and surprisingly enough they hopped right on it.
So now I am officially the Operations/Product Manager of our fake business.
I get to trick myself into believing that my girly magazine buying is actually research now lol :) yaay I'm so lucky.  Will update on the business if there's any change.

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